Latest release is slackroll v55.

Target audience

slackroll is a package or update manager for Slackware systems. It does not provide dependency checking and uses pkgtools to install or upgrade packages. It’s designed to work with official mirrors and third-party repositories. If you have a Slackware system mainly composed of official packages, unofficial packages and a few custom packages, slackroll can help you manage it and keep in touch with the remote trees. It tries to know when new packages appear, when packages are removed and when packages are upgraded.

Before you start

So you have decided to try slackroll. Let me introduce a few concepts so you don’t get lost.


In the following text I’m going to be talking about packages. For package, we are going to understand a named piece of software, without having any specific version unless I explicitly mention it. A package can be bash or kdewebdev or gcc-gfortran, for example.


Each package is in one of several possible states. The program tries to keep a persistent database that associates each package with its state. When it runs, it analyzes the list of packages present in your system, the list of remote packages, and tries to keep the persistent database updated by introducing new entries, deleting old ones and changing the state of some of those entries.

There are several possible states for a package, divided in two groups. First, we have transient states. As a user, your job is to make sure no packages remain in those states for long periods of time. Second, we have the normal states, in which the different packages should normally be.

Transient states (to be avoided)


A package is in this state when it’s present in a remote tree and it wasn’t present before. If you detect you have packages in this state you should decide if you want to install them or mark them as not installed. This state lets you see which packages are being added to remote trees.


Sorry if this name is somehow confusing. A package is in this state when it’s present in your system, but not in a remote tree. You should decide if you want to remove them from your system or mark them as foreign packages. This state lets you see which packages are being removed from remote trees.


A package is outdated if it’s present in your system and in a remote tree, but the local version does not match any relevant remote one. The program will try to upgrade these packages.

Normal states


A package is installed if it’s present in your system and in the remote tree, and the local version is not outdated. Very common state, as you can suppose.


A package is not installed if it’s a known package which is not present in your system but exists in a remote tree. It’s also a very common state.


No package will enter the frozen state unless you mark it so. It should be used for packages present in your system and in a remote tree, but that you don’t want to upgrade automatically. This state can be used for packages which are not meant to be upgraded automatically or ever, like aaa_elflibs and others, and probably for customized versions of official packages. For example, my custom build of freetype is marked as frozen. You must pay attention to these packages, as upgrades to them will be silently ignored. You may find the list-versions and list-outdated-frozen operations useful to detect version mismatches between your local copy and the ones in remote trees. Having a package in the frozen state does not prevent you from using the install operation to download and install a different version. If the package ever disappears from the remote trees, it will be marked as unavailable and you will probably see it. You could continue to use it by marking it as foreign if you wish.


No package will enter the foreign state unless you mark it so. It should be used for packages that exist in your system but do not have a known remote origin. For example, the slackroll package in my system is marked as foreign. A foreign package will be marked as installed or outdated if it ever appears in a remote tree, usually becoming a candidate for upgrading. Hopefully, you’ll notice this fact. You could still use your own version instead of the remote one by marking it as frozen.

Remote trees

slackroll works with two types of remote trees. It needs a mirror, which is a URL pointing to a replica of the official Slackware package tree for the Slackware version you’re using. There can be only one mirror and it’s selected with the set-mirror operation, as you will see later.

In addition, slackroll can work with a number of additional third-party repositories. These are managed with the add-repo, list-repos and remove-repo operations, and they will be explained later.

Get slackroll

slackroll is a self-contained Python script released to the public domain. You can download a premade package if available from Github, or grab the source code of the master branch or any tagged releases as a ZIP archive or by cloning the repository.

If you use the source, run the SlackBuild script from the source directory as root. This will create a package you can install with installpkg for the first time. In the future, you can use upgradepkg or even slackroll itself to install newer package versions. Continue reading for more details.

Getting started

slackroll requires python, pkgtools, gnupg (or gnupg2), an editor and diff tool (which are vim and vimdiff by default (provided by package vim), and a pager (less by default) to operate properly.

It should be noted that you can start using slackroll whenever you want, but my advice is to do it when your system is under control and there are no upgrades pending. This will give you a chance of configuring the program and setting the package states properly without making serious mistakes.

You should first choose a Slackware mirror. In case your mirror of choice offers access using both FTP and HTTP, prefer HTTP. Take into account slackroll will store downloaded packages in a subdirectory of /var/slackroll, so you will probably need to have a good amount of space available for them in there. Set the mirror URL with the set-mirror operation. For example:

slackroll set-mirror ''

Great. You are ready to start. Retrieve the remote GPG key to add it to your key ring. Having the GPG key is required, and it should be safe to do this step even if the key is already in your key ring. You can also get the key from the Slackware CD or DVD. The GPG key and the official package signatures will be downloaded from a primary mirror instead of the mirror you chose, in order to increase security.

slackroll import-key

Retrieve information about the remote packages. You’ll have to perform this step every time a remote tree changes.

slackroll update

Finally, you could start checking if there are new packages, unavailable packages or upgrades. However, the first time you use slackroll, any package not installed in your system will be marked as new, every foreign package will be marked as unavailable, and every customized package will probably be a candidate for upgrading if you try to do so. If you have your system under control (and I hope you do!), you can in most cases blindly mark all new packages as not installed. There’s a command to do it, being a common first operation.

slackroll new-not-installed

In most cases, you can also mark any unavailable packages as foreign. However, the number of foreign packages is usually quite low, and forgetting to uninstall a package which has been removed is a very common mistake, so my advice is to review the list of unavailable packages by hand, detecting which ones may not be foreign packages and need to be uninstalled.

slackroll list-unavailable

Once you’ve got rid of old packages (using removepkg or the remove operation), mark the rest as foreign packages.

slackroll unavailable-foreign

Some people like to “blacklist” packages so they are not upgraded normally. Almost always, you want to do this with the package aaa_elflibs if it’s present in your system, and maybe with some other packages. If you don’t want them to be upgraded normally, they belong to the frozen state. Mark them as frozen. The same applies to customized builds of official packages.

slackroll frozen aaa_elflibs

The frozen operation accepts a list of packages as its arguments. You don’t need to issue a separate command for each one of them.

Regarding customized versions of official packages, there are at least three ways of dealing with them. Some people prefer to give them version names that match the official ones, despite being customized builds, and keep them in the installed state. The program will want to upgrade them automatically in that case, and maybe the official version will overwrite the custom one after an upgrade, before you rebuild it, if you don’t mark it as frozen in the mean time. Some other people prefer to do the same but putting the package permanently in the frozen state. In that case, list-outdated-frozen is useful to detect version mismatches between your local copy and the remote ones. Finally, some other people prefer to give them custom version names, normally via personalized build numbers that usually include some packager initials, and mark them as frozen. In that case, list-versions can help you see if your local copy needs to be rebuilt for a new version.

Normal operation

First off, slackroll help will give you a summary of the most common operations, plus some advice. You can read a brief description of every supported operation by running slackroll help all. Finally, you can get specific help for an operation using slackroll help OPERATION, where OPERATION is the name of the operation you want to get help for.

This program is not a perfect tool. I think it can handle almost every situation and be told to do exactly what you want, but reading the change log and subscribing to the slackware-security mailing list is highly recommended.

In any case, the most frequent command you will probably run is slackroll update, which should be run whenever the remote tree is changed. Then, you should read the change log with the changelog operation if there are new entries and, finally, the list-transient operation will provide a summary of activity. There should be no packages in transient states after you’re finished dealing with the changes.

Watch out for upgrades in the glibc-solibs, sed and pkgtools packages. They should (almost) always be the first ones to be installed or upgraded in that order, even before new packages. You can use the upgrade-key-packages operation to upgrade them first. The program will try to inform you about changes in those packages with a noticeable warning.

New packages should either be installed selectively with the install operation or all at the same time with install-new. New packages which will not be installed should be put in the not-installed state with not-installed.

Outdated packages should be upgraded, normally using the upgrade operation.

Unavailable packages could either be foreign packages that you forgot to mark as such, and should be marked with foreign, or packages which have been removed from the remote tree. In that case, remove or remove-unavailable are the operations you will be looking for.

When installing or upgrading foreign packages, you can use installpkg or upgradepkg and then mark them as foreign if needed. However, you can also install them using the install-foreign operation to save time and avoid problems in the future.

Also, remember to run the clean-cache operation from time to time to get rid of old and outdated package archives stored in the package cache.

The order described above is the order in which you should proceed in most cases. However, sometimes it’s not the correct order. That’s why it’s important to read the change log to detect possible special cases and read comments by Patrick Volkerding. If you break that order, slackroll will emit a warning, but it’s only a warning. The choice of what to do is on you.

Kernel upgrades

When kernel packages have pending upgrades, you can use two operations created specifically to handle the situation. kernel-upgrade will install the new kernel packages using installpkg instead of upgradepkg and then help you configure your boot loader for the new kernel. This means that, for a small time period, you will have two versions of the kernel packages installed. After a successful reboot to the new kernel, you can use the kernel-clean operation to remove the previous versions of those packages.

Third-party repositories

As mentioned previously, slackroll can also work with a number of third-party repositories that would normally contain known but unofficial packages for the Slackware version you’re running. If you’re going to work with third-party repositories, I recommend adding them after the initial setup phase described in this tutorial.

You can add a new repository with the add-repo operation. Once you’ve added all the third-party repositories you want, run the update operation to retrieve information about remote packages and the list-transient operation to check the summary of activity.

For slackroll to be able to work with a third-party repository, the repository needs to provide a FILELIST.TXT file in the repository root, and packages need to be signed with external .asc files like the official ones. These package signatures will be verified by the program when downloading packages, which means the signature key needs to be in the superuser’s keyring. It’s very important to note the import-key operation will not download GPG keys from third-party repositories as a security measure. You need to download the keys by yourself and import them with gpg --import KEY_FILE, where KEY_FILE is the path to the GPG key file. Then, you will be able to download and install packages from the repository.

The list of third-party repositories can be printed with the list-repos operation, and you can remove a repository from the list with the remove-repo operation, by providing the repo number as listed with list-repos.


I’m all open for good bug reports and general feedback but I’m, as always, reluctant to change the main program concepts, like adding dependency support or probably adding more package states.

If you have a question, you should first read the FAQ. For other questions, comments or suggestions, contact me by email, or report an issue in the issue tracker. Keep in mind I’m using the program under slackware64-current. If you detect a problem under another version, please report it as soon as possible because it may go unnoticed to me.

Frequently Asked Questions

Packages with nonstandard names

Question: While attempting to setup slackroll I get ERROR: Nonstandard package name: <package>. How can I solve this problem?

Answer: It seems some people are using packages that don’t follow the Slackware package name convention of name-version-arch-build. I think it is wrong to have a package that doesn’t follow the convention. slackroll needs to parse the package names to extract the different components. These packages make it very difficult or impossible, so they are rejected. There is no way to analyze those names properly in a predictable way. The problem should be solved by removing that package, renaming the package archive to have a standard name and then installing it again.

Some examples of invalid package names I have seen reported are pyfloppy-1.6-noarch.2AS, gammapage-0.5.i486-1AS and scons-0.96.1-1.noarch.

Remember: it doesn’t matter if it’s an official package or a foreign or custom one. It should follow the naming convention.

Saving the list of URLs

Question: Using the urls or urls-upgrades operation I want to save the URL list to a text file. However, if I use shell redirections and slackroll prompts me to select a specific package version, I can’t see the questions. Is there an easy way of doing this?

Answer: Yes. Pipe the output of slackroll to tee urls.txt and then edit the file to remove the extra lines.

Coordinating with rsync

Question: I normally get my packages using rsync, so as to keep a local copy of the remote tree. Can I coordinate this with slackroll?

Answer: Yes. I would use a script like the following one, replacing the chunks in curly braces by the appropriate contents.

LOCAL_MIRROR_DIR={ path to local copy of the remote trees }
{ rsync command(s) }
slackroll update
rm -f packages/*
for pkg in $( slackroll remote-paths ); do
    ln -sf $LOCAL_MIRROR_DIR/$pkg ./packages

This will synchronize your local copy of the remote trees and then populate the slackroll package cache with symbolic links to the package archives located inside your local copy of the Slackware remote trees. From the point of view of slackroll, it’s like if it had already downloaded every package.

Environment variables

Question: Which environment variables affect slackroll?

Answer: TMPDIR lets you specify a temporary directory that will be used to download files before they are moved to their final locations, which is /var/slackroll/tmp by default. PAGER lets you specify a pager program, which is less by default. VISUAL lets you specify a visual editor, which is used to edit single files and is vim by default. SRDIFF lets you specify the diff tool that will be used to edit and compare pairs of files, which is vimdiff by default.

Syntax highlighting in vimdiff

Question: Is it possible to disable syntax highlighting in vim, but only when it’s running in diff mode?

Answer: Yes. Add this to your ~/.vimrc file, taken from the vim help documents:

if &diff
        syntax off

Packages with two or more local versions

Question: slackroll sometimes warns me about having multiple versions of the same package installed in my system. Is that a problem? When does the warning appear exactly?

Answer: Having multiple versions of the same package installed may or may not be a problem, depending on the package. For example, when installing a new kernel many people prefer to keep the old one around in case the new one turns out to have critical issues, like inability to boot the computer. This means the system may have several kernel packages installed at the same time. The old kernel packages could be removed after the new kernel is proved to work. See the kernel-upgrade and kernel-clean operations.

However, some other packages may not be prepared to have multiple local versions installed and this may be a problem, so slackroll warns about the situation. The warning can also serve as a reminder to delete old kernel packages after a kernel upgrade. It will be printed any time the program rebuilds the local package list, so you will only see it after having installed, removed or upgraded packages, right after the “Rebuilding local package list” message.

Most frequently used operations

Question: slackroll has a lot of operations available. Some of them are mentioned in the tutorial but, in a few words, which operations do you use more frequently?

Answer: There is a first group of operations everybody will be running very frequently: update, changelog, list-transient and upgrade. If you use a few foreign packages you install and upgrade by hand, you could put install-foreign in that first group too. Some users, specially the ones running slackware-current like I do, would have a second group of common operations they run from time to time: clean-cache, install, remove, remove-unavailable, install-new and not-installed.

Comparing slackroll to other tools

Question: What are the differences between slackroll and other tools like slapt-get, swaret or slackpkg?

Answer: That’s a hard question which is better answered by exposing the features of slackroll. In any case, it should be clarified that you can run two types of Slackware installations. On the one hand you have stable releases. If you are going to run a stable release any tool will probably be useful enough for you, including slackroll. This is because stable releases are easy to manage, given that the only events they are exposed to are the release of patches. Any of the existing tools can easily tell you which patches have been released and let you automate the download and installation process. It is extremely rare, but not impossible, for a package to be added to or removed from the tree of a stable release.

On the other hand, you can be running the rolling release of Slackware which serves as the testing tree, called slackware(64)-current, or using third-party repositories. In this case, in my humble opinion, slackroll is the best tool. This is because slackroll lets you track almost any event happening in the remote trees, be it packages being added, removed or upgraded, including the events of a foreign package getting a remote version and the removal of a package for which a customized version was installed. This is possible thanks to its package states foundation and the preference for working with two different states (foreign and frozen) instead of relying on a blacklisting mechanism. No other tool, as far as I know, can deal with as many events as slackroll. I’m unable to imagine an event that is not covered by slackroll.

Apart from the type of Slackware installation you’re running, there’s the issue of using third-party repositories. Starting with version 43 and inspired by community forks of slackpkg, slackroll added support for external repositories, and performs a decent job at handling them. This makes it a viable alternative to slapt-get in those situations. Some of those repositories provide dependency information for packages, which slapt-get can use, while slackroll doesn’t use it.

Compared to the shell-based swaret (there was a new swaret being developed in Perl), slackroll lacks tracking binary dependencies, but it compensates that lack by letting you search for files in remote packages with the manifest-related operations. Apart from that, swaret is incredibly slow and CPU hungry even when it’s only downloading files from the network, and doesn’t come close to tracking as many events as slackroll. slackroll is, in my humble opinion, a clear winner over swaret unless you absolutely love the binary dependency detection and resolution it provides. For me that’s a minor feature. The Perl implementation was supposed to be basically the same, but solving the high CPU usage problem. If that’s the case, slackroll would still be a much better option, in my opinion, because swaret still doesn’t do glibc upgrades properly, does not detect removed packages, etc.

slackroll's closest friend is slackpkg, included in the /extra/ tree. You can think of it like a very much improved slackpkg that works faster, detects more corner cases and has more features. If you run slackpkg, do not hesitate to give slackroll a try. The main difference between slackpkg and slackroll is that the latter, like many other package management tools, keeps a persistent database of packages on disk. For example, slackpkg uses a reliable method of parsing the change log to detect when a package has been added, while slackroll downloads FILELIST.TXT and notices which packages are new because it didn’t have information on them before. This method also works with third-party repositories. Another example is slackpkg's clean-system operation, which prompts you about packages with are not in any official package set. This operation helps you remove packages that have been removed from the official Slackware tree, but you need to blacklist your own packages if you don’t want them to appear in the list. slackroll, on the other hand, can be told those packages are foreign and it remembers that information.

Finally, in general, slackroll is at least as fast or faster than any of the above tools, specially faster than the ones that are big shell scripts (slackpkg and swaret). It downloads less meta-data than any other, because it only needs FILELIST.TXT and, for convenience, the new entries from the change log (indeed, it only downloads the new entries). It detects more events, which is specially useful when running Slackware’s rolling release, slackware(64)-current. And it has some useful features no other tool has, like the operations to detect orphan files, broken symlinks and missing files. You won’t have to run grep on the contents of /var/log/packages anymore, because it has a local search operation. It lets you download and search the MANIFEST list for specific files if, for example, you’re missing a library. It also lets you choose which package version to install when there are several ones available. It lets you upgrade individual packages or every upgrade-able package, install new packages, remove old ones, search for package names or packages with a given tree component, list alternative versions of packages, detect and warn you about activity in glibc packages (giving them priority while upgrading too), etc.